The current options that we have available to home education students from Grades K-9 include:

Students participate in learning and projects where they go into the community and serve others. Projects vary depending on the age levels and may have a local community or a global focus. Previous projects have included: Volunteering at a thrift store; volunteering at a soup kitchen; packing hampers or care packages for in-need families/communities; raking lawns in the community; picking up garbage in the community; adopting foster children in 3rdworld countries – writing letters and financially supporting them; visiting and performing at a care home; etc.
Available in 2 hour sessions offered twice a week – over 9-10 week blocks – one in the fall and one on spring. Students have the ability to choose and participate in a multiage club. Electives integrate Physical Education, Fine Arts, Math, Science and Technology learning. A few examples from the past have included: Outdoor Education; Robotics; Drawing & Painting; Gardening; Choral Music; Drumming; Floor Hockey; Mountain Biking; Racquet Sports. A brand new slate of clubs is offered each year!
Offered once a week for an hour, students from grades 4-8 have the ability to learn to play a wind instrument. Instruments offered include: flute; clarinet; saxophone; trumpet; trombone and snare drum. We can arrange for rentals or families can provide their own instruments.
Classroom Science is taught once per week. All Science classes run for a full year and follow the BC Ministry of Education curriculum.
Social Studies is taught in an afternoon block once per week. All Social Studies classes run for a full year and follow the BC Ministry of Education curriculum.
Home Education students have the option of participating/attending various special activities throughout the school year. These include:
We are here to serve and support you in your education journey.